Co-Editor, “Fertility, Reproduction, and Sexuality” Series, Berghahn Books, Oxford and New York, 2008-present.
Founding Editor, JMEWS (Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies), Indiana University Press and Association of Middle East Women’s Studies, Middle East Studies Association, 2004-2006; Editorial Board, 2006-present; Editor, 2010-14.
Associate Editor, Global Public Health, Population and Health Section, Routledge, 2004-present.
Guest Editor (with Tar-ching Aw and Iain Blair), Special Supplement on “Global Health and the UAE: Asia-Middle East Connections,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, to be published May 2010.
Primary Editor (with Emily Wentzell) Medical Anthropology at the Intersections. To be Submitted to Duke University Press, September 15, 2010.
Primary Editor (with Soraya Tremayne) Islam and the Biotechnologies of Human Life. Submitted to Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproduction Series. Berghahn Books, March 2010.
Secondary Editor (with Robert A. Hahn), Anthropology and Public Health: Bridging Differences in Culture and Society. Oxford University Press; submitted in November 2007; published 2009.
Secondary Editor (with Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli) Assisting Reproduction, Testing Genes: Global Encounters with New Biotechnologies. Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproduction Series, Berghahn Books. Contracted in January 2006; submitted in August 2007; in press for 2009 publication.
Primary Editor (with Tine Tjornhog-Thomsen, Helene Goldberg, and Maruska La Cour Mosegaard, Reconceiving the Second Sex: Men, Masculinity, and Reproduction. Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproduction Series, Berghahn Books. Contracted and submitted in December 2006; in press for 2009 publication.
Primary Editor, Reproductive Disruptions: Gender, Technology, and Biopolitics in the New Millennium. Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproduction Series, Berghahn Books. Contracted in June 2006; published in August 2007.
Guest Editor, “Stigma, Suffering, and Social Justice: Papers in Honor of Joan Ablon,” Special Issue of Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 18(2), 2004
Guest Editor (with Gwynne Jenkins), “Reproduction Gone Awry,” Special Issue of Social Science & Medicine, Volume 56, 2003
Primary Editor (with Frank van Balen), Infertility Around the Globe: New Thinking on Childlessness, Gender, and Reproductive Technologies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002
Tertiary Editor (with Frank van Balen and Trudie Gerrits), Social Science Research on Childlessness in a Global Perspective: Proceedings of the Conference 8-11 November 1999, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Amsterdam, Netherlands: SCO-Kohnstam Instituut, University of Amsterdam, 2000
Associate Editor, Medical Anthropology (Gordon & Breach Publishers, Newark, NJ), 1994-2000
Primary Editor (with Peter J. Brown), The Anthropology of Infectious Disease: International Health Perspectives, Edited Volume, Newark, NJ: Gordon & Breach Publishers, 1997
Guest Editor, “Interpreting Infertility: Medical Anthropological Perspectives,” Special Issue of Social Science & Medicine 39(4), 1994
Editor-in-Chief, Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 67-68, “Anthropological Research on Contemporary Tourism: Student Papers from Berkeley,” University of California, Berkeley, January 1986 – August 1988
Editor, Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 65-66, “Special Section: Migration and Resettlement,” University of California, Berkeley, January 1985 – January 1986
Chief Editor/Author, “Guide to Extramural Funding for Graduate Students,” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1987